The story behind Kefi Store
In 2017, following a birth-trauma experience when our third child was born, we made the big decision that Heather would not return to her job when her Maternity Leave came to an end. Over the months that followed we talked more and more about our dream of growing our very own small business of, and by February 2018 we took the plunge and opened The Wensleydale Rope Emporium over at Etsy, where we started to sell beautiful handcrafted homeware and gifts. We designed a number of Collections, inspired 'Modern Country' living.
It wasn't long before new business opportunities came along and it became apparent that this seedling of a company would soon grow beyond the 'walls' of the Emporium. We renamed our company to The Land of Rope and Glory, encompassing the online Rope Emporium and the emerging branch offering trade services and supplying to other retailers, and launched our own online store here at
Throughout 2020 Rope & Glory, alongside so many other Small Businesses, braced themselves for the fierce affects of multiple Pandemic lockdowns; but miraculously they continued to grow. Running a small businesses in the midst of such troubling times strengthened Heather and Andrew’s resolve to promote a simple and joy-filled lifestyle through their online store; and they knew this would move past the boundaries of a platform that sold exclusively rope-based designs - The chapter of Land of Rope & Glory was coming to a close. Over Christmas 2020 the couple set about re-evaluating their core values within a process of Re-branding that incorporated a wider selection of lifestyle products, homeware and gifts; they knew that they wanted everything that could be bought in their store to bring the customer joy and encourage a simple lifestyle that embraces happiness and contentment in those small everyday moments. And then they came across a little Greek word: Kefi. Kefi: [ke-fi] (n.) the spirit of joy, in which good times and passion for life is expressed. And so Kefi Store was born.
A note from the founders:
You are warmly invited to join us on our journey of exploring small business life with a young family, trying to live the simple country life with our family in the Yorkshire Dales. We share that journey on Instagram and Facebook, and you can connect with us there, finding us @kefi_storeuk
Heather and Andrew